Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Life is like a pendulum and no matter how much you might want to stop it, it keeps going and going and going and going

Who am I? Today I feel not all there. My mind and body have not been communicating very well. My brain is only doing it's necessary functions, and possibly not even all of them seeing I haven't eaten since 4. As my stomach growls and I begin to doze into this unnecessary trance that I call life I see that sometimes, life sucks. Other times, it's the best thing in the entire world.

You know it sucks when you like someone and they refuse to believe that they have the same feelings for you. Oh but yet, they treat you as if you are and I quote, "beautiful, smart and funny." This is a what the hell moment.

What the Hell Moment-- expression of surprise. incregulous. shocked. Eqivalent to saying "what on earth" or "What Gives". Considered a swear in some backward remote religious communities, like Texas. 

So what the hell?

Furthermore, life likes to throw it's curve balls. For myself, it always seems to come in my relationships. For others, it might be with their family. And some even their friends. Life also likes to put so much pressure on you at once just to see if you can take it. I myself have learned that this pressure is a test; a test in judgment or even, choices.

You see the choices that we make are what make us who we are. Think about it, when you were a kid did something you choose make you who you are? Did saying something to your parents alter your reality of saying something like that to another person?

Why can life be so complex?

New York City, I have already looked at
apartment cost and I'm so tempted to just
go there now, it's so, uh, classy?

"Can I get your lips to speak my name?" -The Ready Set

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